One 3D character, 5 ways to play and learn in Augmented Reality – Meet UCF

Since 2016 we have been quietly following our Unified Content Framework (UCF) Strategy. This allows us to build one 3D model and then deploy it across all of our product range. One 3D model can live within BroadcastAR (augmented reality for big screens), MobileAR (iOS/Android), HeroMirror (augmented reality vending machine, yep!), LiveAvatar (live control of 3D characters). And now, in 2017 Wearable Devices joins the list. Here's why...

If there is one thing that has fascinated me more than most in my short time running a business it has been how silo'd most large businesses are in almost every aspect of their existence. Finance ignores Creative, Planning ignores Sales, Marketing ignores Logistics and twas ever so - and it's as true in museums as it is in multinationals.

Each department endeavours to operate without being beholden to any other. And the top level management pay companies vast amounts of money to try to counter it unsuccessfully. I have even had the pleasure/misfortune to witness colleagues (from same space) introduce themselves to each other in an internal meeting with me (outsider) as their common link. Silos kill innovation. Silos only serve to maintain the status quo. Silos keep everything the same. The same is safe. Let's keep it the same.

As AR & VR begins to take hold we're seeing these silos first hand. We can see it particularly in the front line of business development at INDE. We receive inbound emails and requests on a daily basis. What is interesting is that these requests are coming from a huge range of different departments - each exploring the integration of AR for a variety of different areas. Training, Marketing, Logistics, Creative, Sales. Once again the outsider is the main point of contact for teams working in the same company!

Above and beyond the VR vs AR software and platform wars it still strikes me there is very little conversation about content and its integral role in augmented and virtual reality's rise and fall, and its ability to offer value to customers and users alike. Unlike the WWW revolution and the secondly the rise of mobile applications, 3D content plays a much more integral role in the quality of the experience. 3D content is often the main touchpoint for users in AR. Unifying it across an organisation whether it be a museum, aquarium or marketing department for a telecom is essential. But likely it's not even considered.

The “broadcast” of content to an audience is changing. Internet connectivity inside and outside the home (IoT), computer vision, advances in consumer software and hardware availability, and the push toward interactive communication and total connectivity have changed the game.

The world will be consumed in 3D.

INDE's UCF offers a chance for institutions, brands and more to create and output 3D for the next generation based on the following 3 principles:


Content, experience or product has traditionally been delivered to an end user as a complete, finalised package. Users are and will increasingly demand flexibility in how they consume content, experience or product and will require increasing levels of interaction and manipulation of the object/experience in question in real time, e.g live manipulation and feedback from “content” and experience.


Advances in three-dimensional creation systems and software, and the creation and recording 360 degree content now offers the possibility of commercially viable immersive 3D systems in and out of home. Integration of immersive technologies will change how content is delivered by providers worldwide and, in turn, how it is consumed by end users. It will generate entirely new consumption models and channels for existing brands, and generate entirely new entities in the process.


Content, experience and product will increasingly be required to blur the distinction between service/product and the user. Personalisation techniques in affective and hardware and software areas will provide immediate personalisation of message, product or service inside and outside of the home in every aspect of the consumer’s life.


Here's why Theme Parks Should Choose Augmented Reality over Virtual Reality


3D Animals in Aquariums? Sooner Rather Than Later, Please – Here’s Why