
Here's why Theme Parks Should Choose Augmented Reality over Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality, Theme parks Team INDE Augmented Reality, Theme parks Team INDE

Here's why Theme Parks Should Choose Augmented Reality over Virtual Reality

Given the growth of the AR/VR industry and the ever so powerful entertainment industry (no recession can slow down the need for Entertainment), it is safe to expect that theme park operators will rapidly adopt these technologies. In order to address the merits of AR vs VR for theme park operators, let’s first assess what has been done so far by the community.

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Virtual Reality in Theme Parks: Some thoughts on application

Virtual Reality in Theme Parks: Some thoughts on application

There has been a lot of talk in recent months about how big the AR/VR market will become in the coming years. We are eagerly waiting to find out more about Microsoft’s Hololens, what the Metaio/Apple marriage has in store for us, and of course, what the Oculus consumer headset model will be capable of delivering. Needless to say, AR/VR are two incredibly versatile technologies and most sectors/industries can benefit from them.

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