INDE’s Augmented Reality Experience Launches at World of Illusions in Jordan

Published: January 10, 2019

World of Illusions in Amman – a place where people can interact with various optical and digital illusions – is now home to a 3D rhino, orca, T-Rex and many other fascinating creatures, thanks to INDE’s award-winning large-screen Augmented Reality system.

BoadcastAR will provide a unique, one-of-a-kind experience to those who haven’t had a chance to tease a leopard, get splashed by a whale or have a close encounter with life-sized dinosaurs before – and realistically, most people probably haven’t. As viewers step in front of the AR screen, they are instantly immersed in breathtaking 3D scenes, and get to interact with photo-realistic natural world  content – all of which has been created by UK Augmented Reality company INDE. To make sure this special experience can be shared with others, the most exciting moments of the AR encounter are automatically captured by the system.


One of the main characteristics of the AR installation is the ability to entertain kids within an educational context, and this educational aspect of having fun is a key building block of INDE’s AR-based solutions for edutainment. The only way to achieve this is by building exceptionally high quality, scientifically accurate 3D content. This is something that INDE has been committed to since 2011, the launch of Traveller – their first large-screen AR experience, created for National Geographic. Traveller has since been installed in more than 40 countries, and won multiple awards.

Ashraf Abu Arja, Managing Partner, World of Illusions enthused: “BroadcastAR is World of Illusions’ mind-blowing digital installation, our visitors are having an exceptional experience through Augmented Reality!”

“Along with a consistent narrative and clear communication objectives, high quality 3D content is part of the recipe for a successful immersive AR experience. As creators we aim to balance the equation to deliver the best for the users with the available technology,” said Xava Fragoso, INDE’s CPO.


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