Kids Can Now Discover Dinosaurs in a Whole New Way at FZ 15 Gallery in Taiwan

Published: November 23, 2017

There are many things we don’t know about dinosaurs, but what we do know is that kids absolutely love them. They’re not only interesting, but a powerful learning tool, sparking children’s creativity and prompting them to use their imagination.

It’s now possible for kids to see life-sized dinosaurs in numerous locations worldwide thanks to animatronics and sculptures at amusement parks and exhibitions. However, these experiences lack interactivity, and this is where immersive technologies such as AR come into play.

INDE’s Back to the Jurassic interactive large-screen 3D Augmented Reality experience has recently been installed at FZ 15 Animation & Story Gallery in New Taipei City. It illustrates how AR can help bring back the extinct, recreating environments that educate and entertain children who can experience them first-hand.

As audience members step in front of the Augmented Reality screen they’re approached by a life-sized T-Rex, a giant diplodocus and find themselves surrounded by a pack of raptors – that they can interact and pose for photos with as part of a unique and unforgettable encounter.


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